

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

The intrauterine insemination (or IUI) is a 1st level or less treatment in assisted reproductive technology. The fertilization occurs by placing sperm directly into the uterus through a special thin catheter.


When is it indicated?

  • For cases of sexual dysfunction that prevent the egg and sperm from meeting in the female genital tract
  • If one at least of the fallopian tubes is not blocked or damaged (Hysterorosalpingography test),
  • If the sperm does not seriously compromise man’s fertility


Homologous IUI

that is when the sperm comes from the woman’s partner. This treatment is preferred by women, although the results are not constant, especially in the case of oligoasthenospermia (decreased number of spermatozoa present in sperm).


IUI Heterologous

In this case the sperm belongs to a donor. It could be the main option in case of azoospermia (absence of sperm in the seminal fluid) or in the presence of diseases that can be genetically transmitted by the father.

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