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Is the egg donor screening and matching done in-house?

We recruit and screen donors mainly from Greece while adhering at the guidelines of national regulation and our professional code of ethics. Before joining the procedure of eggs retrieval donors must undergo clinical and laboratory tests. IVF Athens Center requests additional tests recommended by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Our screening process includes a full review of personal and family medical history, physical examination, genetic screening (Karyotype and Fragile X Syndrome), testing for infectious diseases and mental health screening. Reflecting our integrated approach, our donor screening team brings together scientists from different disciplines and includes a physician, an embryologist, a genetic consultant and a psychologist.

Are the donors fertility proven?

All our donors are up to 30 years old and have an excellent hormonal profile. Most of them have had at least one live birth.

Is the option of non-anonymous donor provided?

IVF Athens Center fully complies with the Greek Laws for Assisted Reproduction according to which all information concerning the donor must be kept strictly confidential. Access to medical information is permissible only for the child’s medical benefit.

What can I expect after the completion of an egg donation treatment cycle?

IVF Athens Center guarantees 2 (two) 3rd – 5th day good quality embryos during an egg donation treatment cycle.

What is the clinic’s average waiting time to match to an egg donor?

Τhere are no waiting lists in IVF Athens Center

Which advanced laboratory techniques are available?

At IVF Athens Center we keep up to date with all latest IVF techniques, including freezing (vitrification) of all embryos during the 5th day (blastocyst stage) and embryo transfer in subsequent cycles. Unlike the conventional IVF protocols, in “freeze-all” (vitrification) technique all embryos generated from an egg collection cycle are electively frozen and transferred in a succeeding cycle. A recent study provides strong evidence that this technique is associated with significantly improved IVF outcomes, especially in women over 40 years old.

Are single women eligible to join an egg donation treatment program?

We welcome all female patients up to 50 years old, regardless of their marital, relationship or sexual status. According to the Greek legislation access to an egg donation program is allowed to single women after providing a notarial deed.

What is the experience of doctors and embryologists? Are any other specialist like psychologist and genetic counselors available?

IVF Athens Center’s co-founders, Obstetrician/Gynecologist Mr Athanassiou and Certified ESHRE Senior Embryologist Mrs Sakellariou have been working together for 20 years, being among the most experienced and successful fertility experts in Greece. Together they lead a team of highly experienced scientists – physicians, embryologists, midwives and psychologists-, who embrace each and every patient and couple with integrity and, above all, humanity.

How much does the egg donation program cost?

Our full treatment program costs € 5.700 for the initial cycle. A 25% discount is offered for each subsequent attempt.

Is the IVF procedure painful?

Many women fear that IVF is painful. The truth is that the exact procedure is not painful, but it creates a painful emotional state. A new technology world invades the sexual, marital and reproductive life of the couple and “strikes” not only the couple but also the extended family.

This is the reason why an IVF consultant is valuable during fertility efforts since he “hears” the emotional words of the couple, ensures an improvement in their relationship and manages their expectations for a successful outcome of the effort.

How often can we repeat an IVF cycle?

Despite all the efforts we make, a positive result is not always possible. In case of a negative result, the procedure can be repeated after a 2-3 month period in order to let the body relax from the hormones. During this time however, a natural cycle procedure can be attempted or an embryotransfer with cryopreserved and thawed embryos can be performed (when they exist).

Will my body be affected from the use of stimulation hormones?

In the majority of women who receive drug stimulation for an IVF attempt, taking hormone does not cause particular problems. A small proportion of women present minor swellings or slight fluid retention, symptoms that are tolerated, without any special significance.

How often do I need to visit the clinic during an IVF attempt?

During any IVF attempt, each woman should be treated individually because each time the body may respond differently. Consequently, the visits to the Center vary depending on the response to hormonal stimulation, her hormonal profile and the type of pharmaceutical stimulation to be followed.
Although 3-4 visits are usually enough, we must bear in mind that only a meticulous monitoring can guarantee a positive result.

How many days do I need to abstain from work or take a leave of absence?

Usually the day of Oocyte retrieval and the day of Embryotransfer (ET) we advise women to abstain from work. The reason is not the physical weakness but more to avoid the extra stress of when the process will end, if they delay, if they will be able to drive etc.
After the ET and depending on the professional activity of every woman, we advise them to have a mild activity for the next 2-3 days and then continue a normal life, only following strictly the instructions given to them for medical support.

Is it possible to interrupt or cancel a cycle?

If the response to hormonal stimulation is not satisfactory, we may need to interrupt or cancel the cycle.
This is, however, preferable to the continuing the process when the signs are not encouraging.

Is it necessary to have an hysteroscopy before an IVF procedure?

It is advisable to perform a hysteroscopy before starting an IVF cycle to rule out any distortion of the uterine cavity.
Besides medicine it is well known that prevention is better than cure!

Is vaginal delivery possible?

If during pregnancy everything runs normally and there are no particular problems (breech presentation, multiple pregnancies etc.) the woman can deliver vaginally safely, irrespective of the conception method.

IVF medication & cancer

Associating the risk of cancer with the hormonal stimulation during IVF is the biggest concern of every woman starting a fertility treatment. However, a plethora of references gathered from reliable scientific studies which have been published in reputable medical journals worldwide, are reassuring and do not confirm this concern.

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