


An IVF attempt is completed with the Embryo Transfer, which is the transfer of the best, in terms of quality, embryos in the woman’s uterus. The exact day of the Embryo Transfer (2nd, 3rd day or at the stage of blastocyst) is selected depending on the number, the quality and the development rate of the embryos, the infertility history and the woman’s age.

The Embryo Transfer process is totally painless and does not require anaesthesia. It is performed with precision with a special catheter and under constant ultrousound monitoring. After the Embryo Transfer, the woman remains in bed for about one hour and a half and then she may return at her home, where along with the appropriate medication she should rest and limit the activities that cause physical tiredness.

Irrespectively of the IVF method which was followed at the embryology lab (simple fertilization – IVF, ICSI, PICSI or PGD) the outcome of the attempt is verified 10 to 12 days after the embryo transfer with a simple blood test.


In case of a positive result, the blood test is repeated after 3 days and one month after the egg collection day the first pregnancy ultrasound follows.


Frequently Asked Questions about


What is Embryo Transfer?

Embryo transfer is the last step in an IVF process and is actually the procedure of transferring the fertilized ova/eggs into the woman’s uterus in order to be implanted.

When and how is Embryo Transfer realized?

The embryo transfer occurs between the 2nd and 6th day (after embryo harvesting) with embryo that are among 4 cells (2nd day) until the stage of the blastocyst (5th or 6th day). The responsible embryologist selects the best available embryo according to specific international criteria and proceeds to proceeds to suctioning these embryos with a special flexible tube/catheter. This catheter is placed in the woman’s uterus by the reproductive gynecologist, through the cervix; its progress and position are constantly monitored through ultrasound observation.

Is Embryo Transfer a painful process?

No, embryo transfer is painless and it does not require anesthesia or any particular preparation by the woman.

What should I be careful of after Embryo Transfer?

Right after the embryo transfer, the woman should stay in bed for about one hour and a half. Following that, she can return home. There is no need to be absent from work but it is recommended for the woman not to proceed to any intense physical activity. It is crucial to follow the medical treatment she has been given and not to be burdened with psychological stress.

We are here to answer any questions and discuss with you.

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